Nikon TiE inverted motorized stand with hardware autofocus (PFS) and stage-top piezo (travel range 200 μm)
Spinning disk confocal microscope for fast live cell imaging
Scanner-based photo-manipulation (FRAP, PA, FLIP...)
Cage incubator for heating, CO2, and O2 level control
Additional stage-top incubator for cooling for 35 mm dishes only
Suitable for imaging multi-well plates, 35 mm dishes, and (chambered) slides
Suitable for confocal imaging, photo-bleaching and -activation with high temporal and spatial resolution
omicron laser module
Laser diode 405 nm
Laser DPSS 488 nm
Laser DPSS 561 nm
Laser DPSS 638 nm
Transmitted light (LED)
Fluorescence (metal halide)
More information about the laser power measurements can be found here
More information about the laser power measurements from the old laser module can be found here
Nikon FRAP:
Scanner-based coupled in through back port
With all 4 imaging laser lines using full mirror (slow switching)
With 405nm laser using DM LP 405 (fast switching)
Reflector revolver top floor:
pos1: full mirror (350-700 nm Semrock® General Purpose Mirror, MGP01-350-700)
pos2: DM LP 405
pos4–6: empty
Reflector revolver bottom floor:
pos1: empty
pos2: DAPI (377/50 BL HC, HC LP 409, 447/60 BL HC)
pos3: GFP/FITC (482/35 BL HC, HC LP 506, 536/40 BL HC)
pos4: RFP/mCherry (562/40 BL HC, HC LP 593, 641/75 BL HC)
pos5: Cy5 (562 BL HC, HC LP 593, 641/75 BL HC)
pos6: DIC analyzer
CSU-X scan head:
Main dichomatic mirror (fixed): Quad band T-405/488/568/647 (Semrock)
Emission filter wheel (RotR):
pos0: BP 520/15 BL HC
pos1: BP 628/40 BL HC
pos2: BP 450/50 ET (447/60 until 2018-04-09)
pos3: BP 607/36 BL HC
pos4: DBP 512/23 + 630/90 HC
pos5: RazorEdge LP Edge Filter 664 RU
pos6: BP 525/30 BL HC
pos7: BP 716/40 BL HC
pos8: RazorEdge LP Edge Filter 488 LP
pos9: 617/73 BL HC
Andor iXon Utra 897 EMCCD, Monochrome (SN 7240)
Dexel (detector element) size: 16 μm
Nikon Plan Apo 10x (0.45 NA) Air
Nikon Plan Apo 40x (0.95 NA) Air
Nikon Plan Apo VC 60x (1.2 NA) Water
Nikon Plan Apo VC 100x (1.4 NA) Oil
Nikon Plan Apo 100x (1.45 NA) Oil
More information about the pixel sizes and FOV can be found here
Yokogawa CSU-X1:
variable disk speed: 1500 – 10000 rpm
pinhole diameter 50 μm
pinhole spacing 250 μm
NIS elements version 5.42.03