All PhD students at MPI-CBG are members of the International Max Planck Research School for Cell, Developmental and Systems Biology (IMPRS-CellDevoSys) and are also part of a greater local network, the DIPP ( Our program is a great place for ambitious, curious and independent minds who want to earn a doctoral degree on the path to becoming a future leader in science. Research projects explore the central question "How do cells form tissue?” using interdisciplinary approaches from 4 key scientific fields: biology, physics, chemistry, and computer science. We emphasize learning by doing: gaining practical knowledge while performing top-notch research. Surrounded by an inspiring international network, guided by dedicated mentorship, equipped with cutting edge technologies, our PhD students gain practical knowledge while performing top-notch research. Degrees are awarded in partnership with the TU Dresden, one of Germany’s excellence universities. 

We are seeking motivated candidates who hold a Master’s degree in Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Physics, (Applied) Mathematics, or Engineering. We expect scientific curiosity, collegiality, and excellent prior academic performance and research experience. A high level of written and spoken English is required. See our full eligibility requirements for details.

The call for the annual selection in 2025 is currently open. Those applications that successfully pass all evaluation phases will be invited to visit Dresden. During that visit, eligible candidates will have the opportunity to have individual interviews with group leaders. PhD positions will be offered at the end of the visit. Please note that the annual selections are subject to a strict application deadline, and to a fixed schedule for video interviews with the admission committees and to the visit in Dresden.


Cassandra Visconti
Head of Academic Office

Reni Schimmel
IMPRS Officer


All IMPRS-CellDevoSys Predocs benefit from the expertise of an interdisciplinary Thesis Advisory Committee (TAC) which asks questions and provides feedback related to the research project, evaluates individual skills and development, and facilitates progress toward a timely thesis submission. Curricular elements can be customized to complement the needs of the research project.

Our engaging introductory Predoc Course brings together creative teams of Predocs from both experimental and theoretical backgrounds to pursue interdisciplinary projects. They learn the ropes of doing science, get acquainted with the expertise of the various labs, and start making use of the indispensable MPI-CBG services and facilities. Preparing Tutorials for our international Thursday Seminar speakers helps develop a common language to discuss cutting edge science. Additional training includes Good Scientific Practice, optional methods workshops from microscopy to image analysis to statistics, and soft skills training through the Planck Academy or TU Dresden Graduate Academy.

The IMPRS-CellDevoSys hosts several events each year, many organized by our Predocs and their elected Student Representatives. By getting directly involved, our Predocs shape future directions of the program, develop leadership skills, and grow to understand what happens behind the scenes of making science. Highlights include a series of informal, engaging chalk talks, an annual scientific retreat, a career day, and a symposium for all Dresden-area PhD students in the life sciences.

PhD student representatives

Martin Buitrago Arango

Martin Buitrago Arango

Nadler Group

Catarina Carvalho Lopes

Catarina Carvalho Lopes

Mateus Group

Shivani Gunnan Ramkumar

Shivani Gunnan Ramkumar

Mateus Group

Jakub Rzeszotko

Jakub Rzeszotko

Geertsma Group

© Sven Döring

David Longhin Tsang

David Longhin Tsang

Huch Group