With the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics, we built up a top research institute. This was only possible because we managed to attract the best talents from all over the world.

It seems that people working here are happy and love their jobs. They voted the MPI-CBG “Best Place to Work” for postdocs and in academia in a survey by “The Scientist” in 2009 - only eight years after the foundation of the Institute. The Institute was also named Dresden’s “Most Family-Friendly Institution” in 2012. At the MPI-CBG, people from over 50 nations come together and create a vibrant working environment and an exciting atmosphere. We make every effort to ensure that participation is open to all and to minimize hierarchies. Your input matters here.

Dresden is known for its beautiful, baroque flair. But actually, the city has way more to offer: contemporary art shows, modern architecture, or the Dresden Neustadt district with an alternative art scene and an extraordinary high pub density. Moreover, Dresden is a great location for science: Nowhere else in Germany can you find so many scientists and research institutions in such a small area. DRESDEN-concept is a research alliance of the Technische Universität Dresden together with the four major German research institutions aiming at the development of synergies in research structures.