Nikon TiE inverted motorized stand with hardware autofocus (PFS) and stage-top piezo (travel range 200 μm)
Spinning disk confocal microscope for fast live cell imaging
Scanner-based photo-manipulation (FRAP, PA, FLIP...)
Cage incubator for heating, CO2 , and O2 level control
Additional stage top incubator for cooling for 35 mm dishes only
Suitable for imaging multi-well plates, 35 mm dishes, and (chambered) slides
Suitable for confocal imaging, photo-bleaching and -activation with high temporal and spatial resolution
Click here for more information about the system
Olympus IX81 inverted motorized stand with hardware autofocus (ZDC1) and stage-top Z-piezo (travel range 400 μm)
Spinning disk confocal microscope for fast live cell imaging
Scanner-based photo-manipulation (FRAP, PA, FLIP...)
Stage-top incubator for heating / cooling and CO2 level control for 35 mm dishes only
Suitable for imaging multi-well plates, 35 mm dishes, and (chambered) slides
Suitable for confocal imaging, photo-bleaching and -activation with high temporal and spatial resolution
Click here for more information about the system
Zeiss Axio Observer.Z1 inverted motorized stand with stage-top Z-piezo (travel range 100 μm)
Spinning disk confocal microscope for fast live cell imaging
Rapp OptoElectronic setup for additional scanner-based photo-manipulation (FRAP: point- and ROI-scanning; and UV-laser ablation)
Stage-top incubator heating and cooling of 35 mm dishes and CO2 level control
Suitable for imaging multi-well plates, 35 mm dishes and (chambered) slides without incubation
Click here for more information about the system
Olympus IX83 inverted motorized stand with stage-top Z-piezo (travel range 400 μm)
Spinning disk confocal microscope for fast live cell, organoid, and large area imaging
Equipped with Borealis for even illumination
Photoactivation using 405 nm laser with high temporal and spatial resolution
Cage incubator for heating, CO2, and O2 level control
Suitable for imaging multi-well plates, 35 mm dishes, and (chambered) slides
Click here for more information about the system
Olympus IX83 inverted motorized stand with hardware autofocus (ZDC2) and stage-top Z-piezo (travel range 400 μm)
Spinning disk confocal microscope for fast live cell, organoid, and large area imaging with high spatial resolution (down to 120 nm in XY) via SORA disk
Photoactivation using 405 nm laser with high temporal and spatial resolution.
Rapp Optoelectronics FLUCS photomanipulation system
Cage incubator for heating, CO2, and O2 level control
Suitable for imaging multi-well plates, 35 mm dishes, and chambered slides
Click here for more information about the system
Nikon Eclipse Ti2 inverted motorized stand with hardware autofocus (PFS) and stage-top Z-piezo (travel range 200 μm)
Spinning disk confocal microscope for fast live cell imaging, especially C. elegans embryos
Scanner-based photo-manipulation (FRAP, PA, FLIP...)
Automated water immersion dispenser for the IR 60xAC WI (1.25 NA) objective
Suitable for imaging multi-well plates, 35 mm dishes, and chambered slides
Click here for more information about the system