Max Planck Institute of Molecular
Cell Biology and Genetics
- Scharaw -

Pfotenhauerstr. 108
01307 Dresden

Sandra Scharaw

Group Leader

Sandra has an educational background in Cell and Molecular Biology. During her PhD she studied secretory membrane machinery regulation of cells using imaging-based membrane transport assays. For her postdoctoral studies, Sandra translated her membrane biology knowledge to the tissue level. She focused her research on the organisation of secretory membrane organelles in adult tissue stem cells and developed approaches in 3D organoid culture systems to study membrane transport in stem cell-mediated tissue renewal.

Scientific Career


Research Group Leader at the MPI-CBG

2016 – 2024

Postdoctoral work, Karolinska Institute Stockholm, Sweden 
Department of Cell and Molecular Biology with Pekka Katajisto

2011 – 2016

PhD, EMBL Heidelberg, Germany
Cell Biology and Biophysics Unit with Rainer Pepperkok

2006 – 2011

Diploma in Molecular Biology, University of Kassel, Germany with one year abroad study at Griffith University Brisbane, Australia



Swedish Society of Medical Research Postdoctoral Fellowship


EMBO Long-Term Postdoctoral Fellowship (ALTF 155-2017)


Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard Postdoctoral Fellowship


DAAD-RISE North America Research Scholarship


Hessen-Queensland Program Study Scholarship