+49 351 210-2543

Max Planck Institute of Molecular
Cell Biology and Genetics
- Veenvliet -

Pfotenhauerstr. 108
01307 Dresden

Jesse Veenvliet

Group Leader


2009 – 2014

Rudolf Magnus Institute for Neuroscience (Utrecht Medical Center) & Swammerdam Institute for Life Sciences (University of Amsterdam) PhD

2007 – 2009

Utrecht University: Experimental and Clinical Neuroscience MSc

2001 – 2007

Radboud University Nijmegen - Medicine

Research Experience

from 2021

Research Group Leader at the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics
Topic: Stembryogenesis - reconstructing development in a dish to understand how embryos build themselves

2014 – 2021

Postdoctoral Research, Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics, Dept. Developmental Genetics
Berlin, Germany
Adviser: Prof. Dr. Bernhard Herrmann
Topic: De- and reconstructing the post-implantation mammalian embryo

2009 – 2014

PhD Research, Rudolf Magnus Institute for Neuroscience & Swammerdam Institute for Life Sciences, Dept. Molecular Neuroscience
Utrecht & Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Advisers: Prof. Dr. Marten Smidt & Prof. Dr. Peter Burbach
Topic: Molecular mechanisms of dopaminergic subset specification


MSc Internship, LMCB-MRC, University College London
London, UK
Adviser: Prof. Dr. Antonella Riccio
Topic: Role of HDAC2 S-Nitrosylation in cortical development


MSc Internship, Rudolf Magnus Institute for Neuroscience, Dept. Molecular Neuroscience
Utrecht, the Netherlands
Adviser: Prof. Dr. Marten Smidt
Topic: Role of retinoic acid in dopaminergic subset specification during midbrain development


Medical Scientific Internship, Radboud University, Dept. Psychoneuropharmacology
Nijmegen, the Netherlands
Adviser: Prof. Dr. Alexander Cools
Topic: Individual differences in the sensitivity to serotonergic drugs in rats

Fellowships and Awards (selected)


Grant from German Centre for the Protection of Laboratory Animals (Bf3R)
Role: Principal Investigator


Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Fellowship
Role: Investigator