The Algebra in Data Analysis group investigates statistical and biological 
questions through the lens of algebra, geometry and combinatorics, 
and develops new math motivated by this perspective. 

Many statistical and biological models are defined by polynomial restrictions
on their parameters or the resulting distributions. Information on the algebra
and geometry of a statistical model allows us to better understand the model 
and statistical procedures, often providing novel insights into statistical 
theory and applications. Conversely, such questions motivate new advancements
in algebraic geometry and related fields. 

Open positions available

1. Postdoc positions available for mathematicians with with background in algebraic geometry, commutative algebra and combinatorics that are enthusiastic about interdisciplinary research with statistics and biology. Please refer to for details on the job conditions and application procedure.


2. If you are or have an excellent student with a master's in mathematics interested in joining my group as a PhD student, email me at maraj at mpi-cbg dot de.