The role that lipids play in health and disease

Lipotype GmbH and Nestlé Institute of Health Sciences collaborate on lipidomics research

Lipotype researchers performing lipid analysis

Lipotype GmbH, a Max-Planck spin-off company, and the Nestlé Institute of Health Sciences (NIHS) collaborate to employ the innovative Lipotype Shotgun Lipidomics Technology to analyze lipids in blood for nutritional research. Recently, Lipotype and NIHS jointly published results of the robustness of the Lipotype Technology (Surma et al. "An Automated Shotgun Lipidomics Platform for High Throughput, Comprehensive, and Quantitative Analysis of Blood Plasma Intact Lipids", European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology). Lipotype envisions a future use of its technology in clinical diagnostics screens for establishing reliable lipid diagnostic biomarkers.

Lipotype is a spin-off company from the Kai Simons and Andrej Shevchenko labs of the MPI-CBG. Kai Simons, CEO of Lipotype, explains: “We developed a novel Shotgun-Lipidomics technology to analyze lipids in blood and other biological samples. Our analysis is quick and covers hundreds of lipid molecules at the same time. Our technology can be used to identify disease related lipid signatures”.

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