
+49 351 210-1250

Max Planck Institute of Molecular
Cell Biology and Genetics
- von Appen -

Pfotenhauerstr. 108
01307 Dresden

Alexander von Appen

Group Leader

Scientific Career


Research Group Leader at the MPI-CBG

2016 – 2021

Postdoctoral work, University of California San Francisco, USA Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics with Adam Frost

2011 – 2016

PhD, EMBL Heidelberg,
Structural and Computational Unit with Martin Beck

2006 – 2011

BSci and MSci in Molecular Biotechnology, University of Heidelberg

Scientific Honors

2023 - 2028

ERC starting grant “Organelloids”,
Mechanisms of Nuclear Self-Assembly

2022 - 2025

Part of the DFG funded priority program 2191
“Molecular mechanisms of functional phase separation”
(Projektnummer: 506340646)

2022 - 2025

Heineman Project Grant, jointly awarded with Dr. Ori Avinoam
at Weizmann Institute of Science (Rehovot, Israel)

2018 – 2020

DFG Research Fellowship (AP 298/1-1)

2016 – 2018

EMBO Long-Term Fellowship (ALTF 455-2016)


Stipend for the 65th Nobel Laureate Meeting, Participation as Young Scientist


MRC Summer Student Stipend with David Komander