The new Juniordoktor season has started!
Interested in getting a Junior PhD? It's easy: You will have to visit 7 Dresden research institutions and give the correct answer to a question for each station. If you meet all these requirements, you will get your Junior PhD, together with a certificate and even a doctoral cap! If you are a student grade 3-12 in Dresden and are interested, please register here:
The MPI-CBG supports the Juniordoktor project and offers the presentations listed below:
29 November 2016, 15:00
Observe your own DNA - A Brief Microscope Journey
Davide Accardi and Jan Peychl of the Light Microscopy Facility will offer this experience:
- seminar about microscopy and principle of fluorescence (30 minutes)
- hands-on session where the students will observe their own cells in which the DNA will be fluorescently labeled (90 minutes)
more info
19 January 2017
#fishfun - Zebrafische im Netz
Be a social media reporter for one day! We will first discuss how to use social media for communicating science to the public. You will then see the Institute's fish facility with 35,0000 zebrafish and talk to a scientist - and share your experience on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram.
more info
02 March 2017
#flyfun - Fruchtfliegen im Netz
Be a social media reporter for one day! We will first discuss how to use social media for communicating science to the public. You will then see the Institute's fly stock and fly room and talk to a scientist - and share your experience on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram.
more info