Good Scientific Practice

  • Science is based on honesty and trust. Scientists must therefore be truthful and honest in their research and follow generally accepted research practices. Misuse of statistical methods or partial reporting of data to influence the outcome of experiments are not allowed.
  • Science is a collective effort of a community. Research methods and findings must be accurately and extensively documented so that others can reproduce experiments.
  • Acknowledging other researchers work and ideas is essential to create an environment where ideas can be freely exchanged fostering open discussions. Plagiarism (including self-plagiarism) is not allowed.
  • Scientists must be open to discussions and criticism about their work. Researchers should maintain an objective opinion of their research and question assumptions.
  • Senior scientists have an obligation of mentoring younger scientists and help them in their career.
  • Data fabrication, forging and manipulation are not allowed.
  • Researchers must support the validation of their research by others and have to respond when others fail to reproduce their results.
  • Legislative and regulatory rules must be followed.
  • Scientists have an obligation to report suspected misconduct.


Dr. Birgit Knepper-Nicolai

Senior Science Manager, Research Integrity & Technology Transfer

Dr. Birgit Knepper-Nicolai

Senior Science Manager, Research Integrity & Technology Transfer

Prof. Elisabeth Knust


Prof. Elisabeth Knust
