Following the success of the 2009 MPI career symposium, we are back in 2010 for a longer, bigger and better edition. This year's symposium will be organized by and for a combination of MPI-CBG postdocs and DIGS-BB predocs and feature a similar format as last year, extended to include Workshops and interaction with Industry Representatives. This website contains provisional information to be updated regularly as organization and planning progresses.
Dates: Monday and Tuesday October 18th and 19th, 2010 - Max Planck Institute of Cell Biology and Genetics
SEVEN outside speakers from varied scientific career paths - 15-minute descriptions of the speakers’ career trajectory, current job, and benefits/drawbacks of working in their chosen scientific fields followed by 15-20mins Q&A session with the audience
Talks Schedule:
09:15 - 09:30 Introduction and Welcome
09:30 - 10:00 Don Powell - Press Officer of Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute - "Is the pen mightier than the pipette?"
10:00 - 10:30 Uta Mackensen - EMBO Graphics Editor - "A picture AND more than a thousand words."
10:30 - 11:00 Maria Cruz - Editor Science Magazine - "From science to Science: editing as a scientific career"
coffee and snack break
11:30 - 12:00 Gwen Soete - Health Council the Netherlands - "The science of policy advice"
12:00 - 12:30 Doris Meder - Head of Core Facilities at Center for Genomic Regulation - "Cutting edge science needs access to top equipment and the latest technologies – the challenges of managing shared resources"
informal lunch with the speakers
14:00 - 14:30 Christophe Echeverri - CEO/CSO of Cenix Bioscience - "The good, the bad and the ugly of life in industry: from Hyman lab postdoc to biotech founder/CEO/CSO"
14:30 - 15:00 Rainer Brosch - Recruiting Director and Principal of Boston Consulting Group - "Consulting careers for scientists at BCG"
Boston Consulting Group will be in the MPI atrium presenting information about their company and career opportunities for scientists in consulting in general.
Additionally, during this period we will have small-group meetings with presenters. No sign-ups necessary, all presenters will be available for discussion in the MPI atrium starting at 15:00.
09:30 - 10:30 WORKSHOP 1 - "Licensing and patenting opportunities from primary research" - Experts in bringing research ideas to market will present the things every researcher needs to know to commercialize and license their findings
Confirmed participants - Oliver Uecke and Tobias Mahn
11:00 - 12:00 WORKSHOP 2 - "The secrets of obtaining research funding" - a senior group leader and a funding manager on how to write a grant and what funding agencies are looking for
Confirmed participants - Birgit Knepper (head of MPI-CBG Research Grants Office) and Eli Knust (MPI-CBG Director and Vice President of DFG)
13:30 - 14:30 WORKSHOP 3 - "How to find and have a successful postdoc" - MPI postdocs presenting to predocs regarding how to get a postdoc, questions to ask a potential RGL, and postdoc life in general
Confirmed participants - Antonio Domingues, Alexis Webb, Simone Reber, Günes Özhan-Kizi
15:00 - 16:00 WORKSHOP 4 - "So you want to be a Research Group Leader?" - RGLs presenting their experience and giving advice regarding interviewing, start-up funds and grants, life as a young RGL, etc
Confirmed participants - Kai Simons (MPI-CBG RGL and Director Emeritus), Simon Alberti (New MPI-CBG RGL), Claudia Waskow (CRTD RGL)