The Future of Science

Science Café on artificial intelligence, the digital world, and biomedicine

7 June 2016, 8pm
SCIENCE CAFÉ: The Future of Science
GrooveStation Dresden (Katharinenstr, 11-13)

Breakthroughs are rarely planned and can hardly be foreseen. In this Science Café, we want to go back to the future and speculate on how the digital world will continue to evolve, on how artificial intelligence will influence our lives, and on what the future of biomedicine could be like. Will we be able to cure diseases like cancer or diabetes soon? What new technologies are awaiting us? What's the future of science?

The Science Café Dresden offers casual one-on-one discussions with experts over a beer or coffee - you can ask your questions and join the discussion!

These experts will be available for discussion:
_ Prof. Frank Fitzek, Deutsche Telekom Chair of Communication Networks, TU Dresden
_ Dr. Sven Hellbach, "Artificial Intelligence" Division, University of Applied Sciences Dresden
_ Dr. Hans-Georg Braun, Mikrostructure Group, Max Bergmann Center of Biomaterials

Ask your questions, join the discussion, and travel back to the future!