© Katrin Boes / MPI-CBG
After a two-year break due to the pandemic, the Max-Planck-Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics participates in the Dresden Seniors’ Academy again. Senior citizens in Dresden and its surroundings can register for it. The MPI-CBG kicked off the winter term with a talk by Sina Wittmann (research group of Anthony Hyman) on phase separation.
The upcoming lectures will be held from 14:30–15:30 in the MPI-CBG Auditorium in German on the dates listed below. Everybody is welcome!
10. January 2023
Kristin Böhlig
Let it glow! Wie Chemiker Fette in der Zelle zum Leuchten bringen und warum
Let it glow! How chemists can make fats in the cell glow and why
07. February 2023
Justina Stark
Auf dem Weg zum “Computer Embryo”
On the way to the “computer embryo”