Recognizing the outstanding contributions to the advancement of science and human progress through the pioneering, innovative and collaborative research, the 2020 NOMIS Distinguished Scientist and Scholar Award was presented to Tony Hyman, director and group leader at the MPI-CBG. The 2020 NOMIS Award supports exceptional scientists exploring new and unconventional directions in science. The second awardee is Ronald M. Evans, Professor and director of Salk’s Gene Expression Laboratory and holder of the March of Dimes Chair in Molecular and Developmental Biology.
Hyman’s NOMIS-supported project is called “Phase Transitions and Biological Condensates: An Important New Paradigm for Understanding Disease.” It is based on his pioneering work on formation of biological compartments by phase separation. Hyman will investigate the physical-chemical basis by which intrinsically disordered proteins phase separate. Using this knowledge, he will study the roles of aberrant phase separation in disease.
NOMIS Awards are presented to pioneering scientists and scholars who, through their innovative, groundbreaking research, have made a significant contribution to their respective fields. Their bold ideas and unique approaches involve interdisciplinary collaboration and apply a broad range of methods, building bridges across the boundaries of disciplines. The award will be presented to the recipients at a ceremony in Switzerland in October 2020.
The NOMIS Foundation supports and enables insight-driven science across all disciplines, focusing on researchers who put forth bold new ideas, exhibit a pioneering spirit and seek to inspire the world around them. The foundation serves as a catalyst for scientific and human progress by supporting interdisciplinary research, establishing collaborative research networks and developing strategic partnerships. In addition to providing financial support, NOMIS endeavors to develop and strengthen the conditions conducive to the pursuit of high-risk basic research.