Girls Day 2017

What is it like to be a scientist?

On 27 April 2017, our Institute will be open to interested girls from 10:00-12:00: You can join a guided tour through the building, see, how we work, and get information on career opportunities from our staff. You can find further information on this event at the official website at Please also use this website to register online.

The presentation will start at 10:00 in the MPI-CBG auditorium. Ask your questions: What is it like to be a scientist? Can you do research and have a family? Afterwards, there will be tours through the building: See zebrafish, worms, and fruit flies, have a look at the labs and see how people work!

Girls’ Day, an initiative of the Federal Ministries for Education and Research (BMBF), and for Family Affairs, the Elderly, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ), was designed to motivate and encourage particularly girls to seize their career options and to decide in favour of a qualified vocational training or degree. Subsequently, they choose an occupation even in professional fields that are presently not typically female.