The Human Frontier Science Program (HFSP) has announced the 2018 winners for the Research Grant applications – with a successful application by an MPI-CBG research group leader. Alf Honigmann has been awarded the highly prestigious and competitive Program Grant Award.
These grants are awarded for novel collaborations among highly interdisciplinary and international teams, involving at least two countries. They provide three years of support with up to 450,000 USD per year. The research teams are expected to develop new lines of research through the collaboration. Alf Honigmann will share his award with Daniel Riveline (Dept. of Cell Physics, IGBMC, Strasbourg University), Anne Grapin-Botton (Center for Stem Cell Biology, University of Copenhagen) and Masaki Sano (Dept. of Physics, The University of Tokyo). Their joint project “Coupling of cell polarization and differentiation in organoids” wants to investigate the great potential of organoids – lab-grown and organ-like cell assemblies from stem cells. The aim of this project is to understand how these complex tissues emerge out of progenitor stem cells.
The HFSP is a program of funding for frontier research in the life sciences. The International Human Frontier Science Program Organization (HFSPO) will support over the coming 3 years the top 4% of the HFSP Research Grant applications with over $ 34 million. The 31 winning teams of the 2018 competition for the Research Grants went through a rigorous year-long selection process in a global competition that started with 771 submitted letters of intent involving scientists with their laboratories in more than 50 different countries.
Congratulations to all 2018 winners from the MPI-CBG!