Michael Hiller, former research group leader at the MPI-CBG, the MPI for Physics of Complex Systems, and the Center for Systems Biology Dresden, moves to the LOEWE Centre for Translational Biodiversity Genomics (LOEWE-TBG) in Frankfurt am Main. There, he will strengthen the comparative genomics research and will take over tasks in the center’s management. The appointment as professor was made in cooperation between the two TBG partner institutions, the Senckenberg Nature Research Society, and the Goethe University Frankfurt. At the LOEWE-TBG, Hiller and his research group will mainly focus on the comparative analysis of the genomes of various organisms. He will focus on the question which changes in the DNA contribute to different properties of organisms. For these analyses, the group will also develop new computational methods. "So far, we have mainly focused on the comparison of vertebrate genomes. In the future, we want to extend these investigations at the LOEWE-TBG to other orders of living organisms, and to adapt and further develop the methods for this purpose", Hiller explains.
All the best in Frankfurt, Michael!