Cells don't care about weekends and they never call it a day. This is why 600 scientists from over the world at the MPI-CBG are absolutely flexible and in the lab 24/7 – not only during the Dresden Science Night. But for that night, which took place June 15th, 2018, we switch from lab routine to a summer night with spectacular, fascinating experiments.
Around 1,100 visitors experienced an exciting summer night at the institute: the electron microscopy facility offered a 3D look into the inside of cells. Visitors were able to take water samples from the institute pond – this pond is so full of life! On another science station, the visitors could experience how things disappear before their eyes through chemical reactions – is it magic? At the monster worms' horror show, the flatworm schmidtea mediterranea, which is a true regeneration artist was presented. It was also possible to extract DNA from bananas with kitchen appliances at the "Science Smoothie" station. A video tour through the institute's server rooms took place at another station and nanobots were presented by the research group on Stefan Diez, who works at the MPI-CBG and the Centre for Innovation Competence B-Cube (ZIK-B-Cube) at the TU Dresden. The kids were able to work as scientists for one night by using pipettes and looking through a microscope. Two lectures on the mouse house and the development of the human brain completed the range of activities.
A total of 39,000 visitors attended 730 events throughout Dresden and the surrounding area for the Dresden Science Night 2018! Many thanks to all helpers and to the many interested visitors.