Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics (MPI-CBG)

We do pioneering basic research. 500 curiosity-driven scientists from over 50 countries ask: How do cells form tissues? Our research programs span multiple disciplines from biology, physics, mathematics and computer science.

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From cells to organisms

The MPI-CBG was founded with the goal of bridging scales and bringing together cell and developmental biology. We focus on studying cell biological phenomena utilizing different animal and cell model systems. With organoids, human tissue biology has become accessible for study in a way that was not possible before. We can only understand how cells form tissues, our fundamental question, through a deep knowledge of cell biology.

Physics and Mathematics

MPI-CBG is bringing physics, mathematics, computation and machine learning to solve biological questions. This interdisciplinary effort merges fundamental physics, mathematical theory, computer science and experiment together to truly explore how cells form tissues, the basic research question of the institute.

Emergence in reconstituted systems

In addition to seeking to understand biology in living organisms, we exploit reconstituted systems where a few building blocks are brought together in vitro. The building blocks can be molecules or cells forming organoids. This enables to address the phenomena that emerge from building block interactions.